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Integrate a Postmark to send inquiry mail.

Postmark Integration

Learn how to integrate a Postmark to send inquiry email directly from your Postmark account. This guide will help you configure the necessary settings to streamline communication and manage inquiries efficiently.

To integrate Postmark you need to create the Postmark API key and configure your credentials in the app backend under App Settings > General > E-Mail Integration > SMTP Provider section.

To get the API key, you can follow the below steps,

1 . Go to Postmark -

Register/Login with your domain
2 . After Successfully login, You can see the Account tab at

Click on API Tokens

3 . Choose Server and Click on Get a server API token

4 . Copy the Server API tokens and add the Token in the app backend
Make sure to verify Sender Signature.

5 . To use your email id as a sender email you have to verify the Sender Signature

Click on Add Domain or Signature under the Sender Signatures tab:

Click on Add Sender Signature:

Add Details -> Click Create Signature:

Open your email and confirm the Sender Signature
6 . Add the Verified Sender Signature Email to our app backend

add details in our app backend

Postmark API key : Server API tokens

Sender E-Mail : Sender Signature Email

Sender Name

Admin E-mail : You will receive the admin notification(New Inquiry notification) on this email

If you have any other questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to us.

Updated on: 25/03/2025

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