Mailchimp Integration
Mailchimp Integration
Learn how to integrate a Mailchimp to let your subscribers opt-in to your mailing list when they sign up for a Coming Soon Product notification.
Learn how to integrate Mailchimp with coming-soon notify app using our step-by-step video!
To integrate Mailchimp, you have to use Mailchimp API key
To get the API key, you can follow the below steps,
Sign up / Sign in to Mailchimp
To generate a new API key in Mailchimp, you can follow these steps:
Go to Account & billing -> Extras -> API key

Under Your API keys, click on Create A Key

Add API Key Name and Generate Key

Copy the API key and paste it in the our app backend under the Product Page -> Enable Third Party Integration -> Mailchimp
Choose the Mailchimp Contact List and Save Settings
If you have any other questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to us.
Learn how to integrate a Mailchimp to let your subscribers opt-in to your mailing list when they sign up for a Coming Soon Product notification.
Video help
Learn how to integrate Mailchimp with coming-soon notify app using our step-by-step video!
To integrate Mailchimp, you have to use Mailchimp API key
To get the API key, you can follow the below steps,
Sign up / Sign in to Mailchimp
To generate a new API key in Mailchimp, you can follow these steps:
Go to Account & billing -> Extras -> API key

Under Your API keys, click on Create A Key

Add API Key Name and Generate Key

Copy the API key and paste it in the our app backend under the Product Page -> Enable Third Party Integration -> Mailchimp
Choose the Mailchimp Contact List and Save Settings
If you have any other questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to us.
Updated on: 25/03/2025
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