Articles sur : 🚚 Estimated Delivery Date & Time

Estimated Delivery Date App Documentation

Articles on: 🚚 Estimated Delivery Date & Time


Welcome to the Estimated Delivery Date App! This documentation provides detailed information on installing, configuring, and using the app to enhance the customer experience on your platform.


To install the Estimated Delivery Date App, follow these general steps:
Platform-Specific Instructions
Log in to your Shopify admin.
Visit the Our App Store and search for Estimated Delivery Date.
Click "Install" to add the app to your store.
Follow on-screen instructions to complete the installation.


App Installation Guide and Configuration Steps

Follow these steps to configure and display Estimated delivery date(ETA) messages on your product detail pages:

App Installation:

Open the App Backend.
Activate the app.
General Settings:

Navigate to App Settings > General Tab.
Enter your estimated message manually or choose from templates in the editor.
Configure Lead Days: Adjust the min_lead_days and max_lead_days variables in the message.
Set Cut-off Time and Week Off / Holidays according to your business operating hours.
Styling and Branding:

Apply custom styling to personalize the message widget and align it with your branding.
Product Specific Messages (Premium Plan):

If you have the Premium Plan, go to App Settings > Product Specific Messages.
Configure product-specific rules for ETA messages.

You're done! Your app should now start displaying ETA messages on product detail pages.

About Estimated Delivery Date app

The Shopify Estimated Delivery Date app is a must-have for businesses looking to elevate their customer service. It empowers clients to choose the perfect timing for product delivery and sends out order delivery messages. Incorporating a countdown timer can significantly boost sales.

This application really gives your customers the best of both worlds! They can have their cake and eat it too by choosing the delivery date that tickles their fancy or the timing that floats their boat. Talk about hitting the nail on the head and improving the shopping experience all in one fell swoop!

General Message

When using the Estimated Delivery Date and Time Apps for your online store, expect the following:

Correct Predictions: Accurate estimates of when products will arrive.
Better Customer Trust: Clear delivery time information builds trust.
Reduce Queries: Displaying delivery details reduces customer queries.
Better User Experience: Enhance the shopping experience.
Boost Sales: Customers are more likely to buy when aware of delivery times.

FrontEnd Result


Shortcodes in the Estimated Delivery Date and Time app act like magic words to display important delivery date and time details on your Shopify Store. They simplify communication with customers. Common shortcodes include:

Add Start Day: Allows you to set the Minimum “Estimated Delivery Date”, once your order is dispatched from your End with the help of Min_Lead_Days variable.

Add End Day: Allows you to set the Maximum “Estimated Delivery Date”, once your order is dispatched from your End with the help of Max_Lead_Days variable.

Add Country Name: Selects the country name from a provided list.

Add Country Flag: Displays the flag of the selected country.

Add Countdown Timer: Sets the cutoff time for dispatch mode if the order is placed before it.

Cut-Off Time

In the Estimated Delivery Date and Time app, the Cut-Off time is the exact time of day that an order must be made in order to be delivered on a certain date. It is very important for the customers to know that orders made after the deadline will be delivered on the next available date.

Example: Let’s suppose your Cut-off Time is set at 4:00 PM, orders received before that time will be delivered the next day. Orders received at or after 04:30 PM, on the other hand, will be delivered on the next open date.

Weekoff / Holidays

In the Estimated Delivery Date and Time app, week-offs and holidays are days when orders can't happen, like weekends and public holidays. Orders made on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday are marked as "Weekoff," and the delivery date is likely to be Monday.

Example: If a customer places an order on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday (marked as "Weekoff" days), the arrival date is likely to be Monday, ensuring holidays and weekends aren't counted towards the arrival time.

Date Format

The date format in the Estimated Delivery Date and Time app determines how customers see dates on the landing page. It helps them understand when orders will start arriving.

Example: If you select "MM/DD/YYYY" date format, the estimated delivery date will be displayed as "10/31/2023," showing the month, day, and year clearly. You can choose from multiple date formats or use a custom date format for a personalized touch.

Apart from that, you can also use the Custom Date Format with the help of the design format given over here and make it much more appealing to your customer.

Countdown Format

The Countdown format totally depends on the Cutoff Timer which is being set from your End. It creates a sense of urgency and excitement for the customers.


Let’s say a consumer comes onto your product page and they are looking to buy that particular product. If you have set a countdown timer of 01:00 PM 01/11/2023 and if the buyer has placed an order after 01:00 PM then the dispatch will be done on the very next day. This will build anticipation and keep your customers informed.

Advanced Settings

There are certain advance settings that it comes with, but they’re optional which you can display it on your product page;

Display the Message: It will help you to customize the particular message and label on the Cart/ Checkout/ Thankyou Page.

Order Confirmation Email: To display the order confirmation eMail, you can simply paste this Shortcode given below and see things happen.

{% for p in %}
{% assign property = p.first | rstrip %}
{%- if property == 'Estimated Delivery' -%}{{ p.first}} : {{ p.last }}{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

Change the Message Position

Visual Configure:

Use the visual editor to select the spot where you want to display the message on the product detail page.

Code Configure:

Use the theme editor and drop in the provided code where you want to display the message on the product detail page..


Zipcode Widget Personalization

To enable the Zipcode Checker feature, turn on the Zipcode Checker Widget option within a specific product message rule. This allows the widget to appear on the product page.

Widget Title

This functionality allows you to enter the message which you would like to display.

Input Placeholder

Gives a short hint about what the intended value of an input field or Text area should be.

Button Text

You can display the button to explain the final expression once the user presses a button.

Delivery Unserviceable Message

A design format is provided to display a message when you can't deliver orders to a specific location.

Zipcode Empty Field Message

Offer you a button label where you can enter the Zipcode and confirm the Product Availability.

Additional functionality includes customization options for:

-> Button Color
-> Button Hover Color
-> Button Text Color
-> Button Text Hover Color

Given below, you can clearly see the Widget Preview and understand how it will appear.

Final Result

Developer Options

Talking about the developer options, In case a merchant wants any certain changes in their product. With the help of Custom CSS and Custom JS, it can be carried out easily.

Custom CSS functionality allows you to customize the appearance of the theme as per the requirement without being worrying about your theme updates.

Custom JS helps you to increase the functionalities of the application, while creating the reusable web components.

Product Specific Message

The app lets you set messages and show different delivery dates for different products based on products, tags, collections, and vendors. You can also display different delivery dates for different countries.

Product Types

Make changes in the product type category, including:
Product Name

Collection Name

Product Vendor

Product Tag



Set the availability of the product (In Stock, Out of Stock, or Both) and define inventory-based messages.

In Stock

Out of Stock


Country Based

Set your Specific Message as per the Country-wise, as you will get a list of the country.

Zipcode Checker Widget

When this option is turned on, customers can see the estimated delivery times based on their zip codes by entering different ones.

Warehouse Specific ETA

Here you can display delivery time based on warehouse location.

Exclude Product

On the basis of this functionality, you can hide the delivery date by excluding the particular Product Name, Product Vendor, Collection Name, and Product Tags.

Final Results

Updated on: 28/12/2023

Mis à jour le : 13/04/2024

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