I want to show only the delivery date instead of the full message on the cart, checkout, and thank you page, How can I do it?
Articles on: 🚚 Estimated Delivery Date & Time
select the Display only estimated delivery date** option. You need to follow the below steps to select it.
Go to the App Settings menu
Open the Advanced Settings
Select the check box to Show message on Cart / Checkout / Thank you page.
Click on Customize button.
Select the option Display only estimated delivery date.
Click on the Apply button
Click on the Save & Publish button
All above is done, You need to check on the cart/checkout/thank you page in the store front.
Updated on: 23/03/2024
select the Display only estimated delivery date** option. You need to follow the below steps to select it.
Go to the App Settings menu
Open the Advanced Settings
Select the check box to Show message on Cart / Checkout / Thank you page.
Click on Customize button.
Select the option Display only estimated delivery date.
Click on the Apply button
Click on the Save & Publish button
All above is done, You need to check on the cart/checkout/thank you page in the store front.
Updated on: 23/03/2024
Mis à jour le : 13/04/2024
Merci !