Articles on: 🚚 Estimated Delivery Date & Time

Create a Rule Based on Zipcodes, Zipcode Ranges, or Zipcode Prefixes

Access App Backend:
Go to the app's backend and navigate to ETA Rules.
Create a New Rule:
Click on Create Rule to start.

Enable Zipcode Checker Widget:
Toggle on Show Zipcode Checker Widget.

Enter Zipcodes:
Input the specific zipcodes
Use ranges (e.g., 10000-20000).
Or enter prefixes (e.g., 40, 41, 42 for Maharashtra).
Customize the Message:
Set the message to display based on the entered zipcodes.

Select Product Conditions:
Choose which products, collections, or tags the rule should apply to.
Select Inventory Status:
Specify whether the rule applies to products In Stock, Out of Stock, or both.

Select Country:
Choose the country where the rule will apply.

Save Changes:
Once all conditions are set, click Save Changes to activate the rule.

Tip: Ensure the rules are prioritized correctly to avoid conflicts between multiple conditions.

Example: Display Different Messages for Different Zipcode Prefixes

To display different messages based on zipcode prefixes for different regions, you can create separate rules for each region (e.g., Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh). Here's how you can set it up:

Rule 1: Maharashtra (Prefix 40)
Create Rule for Maharashtra:
"Estimated Delivery: 2-3 Business Days (Maharashtra only)".

Rule 2: Delhi (Prefix 51)
Create Rule for Delhi:
"Estimated Delivery: 3-4 Business Days (Andhra Pradeshonly)".

Summary of Example Rules:
Maharashtra (Prefix 40):
Message: "Estimated Delivery: 2-3 Business Days (Maharashtra only)".

Andhra Pradesh(Prefix 51):
Message: "Estimated Delivery: 3-4 Business Days (Andhra Pradeshonly)".

By creating different rules for each region and specifying the relevant prefixes and messages, you can ensure that customers see the correct delivery information based on their location.

To display same messages based on zipcode prefixes for different regions, you can create one rules for each region (e.g., Maharashtra, Delhi). Here's how you can set it up

Rule 1: Maharashtra (Prefix 40),Andhra Pradesh(Prefix 51)
Create Rule for Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh:
"Estimated Delivery: 2-3 Business Days (Maharashtra and Andhra Pradeshonly)".

Summary of Example Rules:
Maharashtra (Prefix 40, 51 ):
Message: "Estimated Delivery: 2-3 Business Days (Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh)

Let me know if you need more assistance!

Updated on: 22/11/2024

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