Articles on: 🚚 Estimated Delivery Date & Time

How can I set an ETA message according to product availability?

Our app determines the inventory status based on product quantity to calculate the estimated delivery date accurately:

When product quantity is zero :The app considers the inventory as out-of-stock.
->> Example: If the product quantity/inventory is zero, the inventory status will be set to out-of-stock.

when product quantity is 1 or more: The app considers the inventory as in-stock.
->>Example: If the product quantity/inventory is 1 or more, the inventory status will be set to in-stock.

When product quantity is zero and "continue selling" is on: The app still considers the inventory as out-of-stock.
->>Example: Even if the "continue selling" option is on and the product quantity is zero, the inventory will be set to out-of-stock.

Note: App checks the in stock & out of stock ETA messages based on product Quantity
But we customized our code to check the in stock & out of stock based on product availability.

How to setup the product specific message inventory wise

If you have any other questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out to us.

Updated on: 05/09/2024

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