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How to Integrate a Slack account to receive inquiry form data on your slack channel?

Slack Integration

Learn how to integrate a Slack account to receive inquiry form data directly in your Slack channel. This guide will help you set up the integration, ensuring that all inquiries are conveniently managed and accessible within your Slack workspace.

Video Tutorial:

To integrate Slack account you need to create the app and configure your app credentials in the app backend under Notifications for Merchant section. You need the application for integration, you can used the existing application or create the new application.

To create the app, you can follow this article or you can follow the below steps,

Click on Go to Your Apps

Click on Create New App or use the existing application.


Select the first option From scratch.

Add the app name in First option, Choose your workspace to store the app in second option and click Create App.

Click on permission option or left navigation bar option OAuth & Permissions.

Scroll down and Add the Scopes. All given scopes are Required. Follow this link for more details about the scopes.

Click on Install to Workspace.

Click on Allow button.

Copy the generated Bot User OAuth Token.

Configure your Slack notification service using Call for price backend option.

Add your OAuth Token. and click on Connect button.

You will get your Slack Channel List after successful connection.

Select your channel and click on Save button.

You have configured your application successfully. Please submit the test inquiry and check your selected Slack channel.

If you have any other questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to us.

Updated on: 24/12/2024

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