Articles on: 🚚 Estimated Delivery Date & Time

Install and configure Estimated Delivery Date - ETA app in your Shopify store.

Installing Estimated delivery date app on Shopify website is really easy!

Watch the Tutorial:

For a step-by-step visual guide, check out our tutorial video:

Follow these steps to configure the app:

Enabled the App embed block.
Navigate to your admin -> Themes page.
Click the Customize button on the top right of your main theme.

You will be redirected to the theme editor page.

On the theme editor page, click the App embeds button

The App embeds area will appear named Estimated-delivery-days. Toggle the button to enable this option.
Save the theme.

Alternatively, click the Activate app embed Block button provided in app backend, and enabled the Estimated-delivery-days app block.

Be sure to click Save after making changes.

Go to the App backend enable the app.

Go to Shopify apps ->Navigate Estimated delivery date app-> App settings , Enter estimated message in editor manually or choose from templates.

Change the min_lead_days & max_lead_days variables in the message.

Set Cut off time & Week Off / Holidays as per your business operating.

Apply custom styling and personalise message widget and branding .

Save the setting :Once configured, save the settings, and the delivery message will display on your product page.

If you have any further questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out.||

Updated on: 28/09/2024

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