Price Requests via Multiple Channels.
**1. Navigate to Settings**
Go to the app dashboard.
Click on Settings > Quote Settings and then click the Manage button.

**2. Select the Preferred Channel for Inquiries**
Choose a method for receiving inquiries by selecting the appropriate radio button. Options include Phone, Email, or WhatsApp.
**3. Set Up Request on Phone**
Select the Call option.
Enter the contact number where you want to receive inquiries.
Save the settings.

Frontend Display:
A button will appear on the website labeled with the contact option. Clicking it will allow customers to call directly for inquiries.

**4. Set Up Request on Email**
Select the Email option.
Enter the Email ID where inquiries should be sent.
Save the settings.

Frontend Display:
Customers can fill out an inquiry form, and the inquiry will be sent to the specified email address.

**5. Set Up Request on WhatsApp**
Select the WhatsApp option.
Enter the WhatsApp number to receive inquiries.
Save the settings.

Frontend Display:
A button will appear, allowing customers to inquire directly via WhatsApp.
This enhances user engagement by providing instant communication.

By setting up inquiries via multiple channels, businesses can offer flexibility and convenience for customers while ensuring better communication and product discovery.
Updated on: 27/12/2024
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