Articles on: 🚚 Estimated Delivery Date & Time

Schedule Messages for Vacation Mode

Learn how to set up vacation mode for ETA messages directly from the app backend. Once you activate vacation mode, the app will automatically display a vacation message on your product pages based on your configuration.


1.Go to the App setting->Navigate General tab.

2.Scroll down below click on Advanced Settings to expand the options.

3.Click on the checkbox labeled Scheduled Messages (Vacation Mode).

4.Choose the start and end dates for the vacation period.

5.Write the message in the input field of Schedule Message that will be displayed to customers during the vacation period.

6.Save the setting by click on save and publish button.

This will ensure that your customers are informed about any delays or changes in delivery times due to your scheduled vacation period.

Scheduling messages for vacation mode allows you to inform customers about changes in delivery times during periods when your business is closed.

If you need further assistance, feel free to contact us.

Updated on: 22/11/2024

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