Articles on: 🚚 Estimated Delivery Date & Time

Set up ETA rule for collections.

Learn how to set up ETA messages based on collections, allowing you to configure unique ETA messages for each collection according to your business needs. Once configured, the message will display for the selected collection based on your settings.


1 . Go to the app backend of the Estimated Delivery Date app.
2 . Create a New Rule:
Navigate to the ETA rules and click on create rule.

3 . Select Collection as Product Type:
Choose Collection as the product type and select the desired collection from the list.

Search collections:

Enter collection name:

Add collections :

4 . Customize Your ETA Message:
Edit the ETA message according to your requirements using the available editor and options.

5 . Select the Inventory Type:
Choose the appropriate Inventory Type for your collection.

6 . Save the Settings.
Click Save to apply your changes.

7 . Verify the Changes:
Visit your website where the collection is live to ensure the ETA message is displaying correctly.

The ETA message will be displayed on the product page of selected collection products, along with other options based on inventory, cart conditions, and relevant factors.

If you have any further questions or need assistance, feel free to contact us.

Updated on: 14/02/2025

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