Why do some products or customers not see the estimated delivery date on the cart page?
The estimated delivery date is added from the product page, and it will display on the cart page, checkout page, and order page. However, if there is a collection page that allows customers to add items directly to the cart, the estimated delivery date will not display on the cart page.
In such cases, you can choose to:
Disable the feature for the collection page, or
Redirect customers to add products from the product page directly so the estimated delivery date can be added to the cart.
The estimated delivery text is added to the product properties from the product page. So if a customer adds an item from the collection page, the estimated delivery date cannot be added to the product properties, which is why it wonโt appear on the cart page.
Let me know if you need further assistance!
In such cases, you can choose to:
Disable the feature for the collection page, or
Redirect customers to add products from the product page directly so the estimated delivery date can be added to the cart.
The estimated delivery text is added to the product properties from the product page. So if a customer adds an item from the collection page, the estimated delivery date cannot be added to the product properties, which is why it wonโt appear on the cart page.
Let me know if you need further assistance!
Updated on: 22/11/2024
Thank you!