Articles on: 🚚 Estimated Delivery Date & Time

Why is the estimated delivery date sometimes missing or incorrect on orders?

The estimated delivery date is printed on the fulfillment form and other relevant documents. However, there are a few cases where it may not appear or could be incorrect:

No date shown: This can happen if the customer adds the product from the collection or home page instead of the product page.

Incorrect date: If a customer adds an item to the cart but completes the order after a few days, the estimated delivery date can become outdated or show a past date.

In these cases, since the estimated delivery date is added to the product’s properties from the product page, the customer would need to add the item to the cart again and remove the old one if they want to change the date. Unfortunately, this limitation is due to how the app functions, and we can't automatically update the date after the product is added to the cart.

We understand this might be a bit inconvenient, and we appreciate your understanding. Let us know if you need further assistance!

Updated on: 22/11/2024

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