Articles on: 🚚 Estimated Delivery Date & Time

Will we be able to show different ETAs for the same collection or products?

Yes, if you have several collections or products for which you need different ETAs, you can set them up based on country and inventory.

Follow the guideline below to set up country-specific messages:

How to Setup Different Delivery Messages for Different Countries


Products in Collection X:

Delivery to Italy: Takes 3 days.
Setup: ETA message for Italy with lead days set to 3.
Delivery to the US: Takes 7 days.
Setup: ETA message for the US with lead days set to 7.

Products in Collection Y:

Delivery to Italy: Takes 5 days.
Setup: ETA message for Italy with lead days set to 5.

If you need further assistance or have more questions, feel free to reach out to us.

Updated on: 07/08/2024

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